Battle of the eCards: Tablet vs. Someecards

“Ding Ding” the fight is on.

The daily online Jewish news and culture magazine, Tablet composed humorous Yom Kippur e-cards for Jews to send out or share online leading up to the holiday…  Someecards, whipped out more than just a few, and some may be considered more than just humorous.

Tablet, having a vast knowledge of Judaism created both humorous and sincere ecards. took a bit of a raunchier route for quite a few of theirs… let’s hope the creators behind some of these isn’t a Jew, they’d be fasting for days.

Warning, viewer discretion is advised. These e-cards have enough chutzpah to put Howard Stern’s jokes to shame.

e-cards from Tablet

tabletmagYK2 tabletmagyk3 tabletmagyk4 TabletmagYK


e-cards from Someecards





Following up on twittter @SomeEcards and @Tablet continued putting their spin on things…

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