In response to the entire article, “Convincing Millennials to Marry a Nice Jewish Boy,” this Is what I have to say…
“If I bring up dating outside the culture, religon, whatever you call it these days, my father’s blood pressure doubles…Reasons our family should have stayed in New York, their 23-year-old daughter would actually have a chance with a New Jewish Boy.”
“Just another reason why horrendous dates with Jewish guys still leaves us hope that after yet another horrendous date with yet another Jewish guy whom we were set up with by our great aunt, one of them will not be horrendous.”
In response to this:
“I promised my dad, my mom, my deceased grandfather and my bubbe that I’d marry a Jew.”
In response to this:
“I’m going back to Israel, hoping to randomly meet my soul mate, or at least offer up citizenship to find a husband.”
In response to this:
In a few years my thoughts will be… “I’m 27 and single, why my parents’ investment in Camp Wise still hasn’t paid off.”
In response to this:
“Statistics show why I should marry a Jewish boy but can’t — all the Jewish guys are gone!”
“The PEW came out, and all I’m looking for is a last name ending in -berg, -stein, or -sky, to end up being mine — I told my bubbe marriage hasn’t been the same since ’62.”
In response to this:
Cheers to Jewish America and still not coming close to finding that sexy Jewish beshert.
OY VEY. Read the full article here.