Jstyle Singles 2015



Abby Greenfield


Allison Brandon


Austin Rosenberg


Benjamin Braverman


Elyse Frank

Ethan Cory Umansky


Josh Kramer


Cynthia Nadler Kaplan


Kevin Moss


Rachel Rood


Rich Weisberg


Rotem Izraely


Shaina Rood


























jstylesingleshirez-1609ABBY GREENFIELD

34 | Lyndhurst

Grew up going to Temple Emanu El

Second-grade teacher at Gross Schechter Day School

Favorite place to grab dinner: TownHall Ohio City is my favorite right now.

Favorite place to grab a drink: Lizardville in Bedford Heights (particularly the old fashioned whiskey sour)

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who’s kind, understanding and ambitious.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: Someone who doesn’t have a job.

Longest relationship: three years

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? She’d e like, “She’s the best, she’s the prettiest, she deserves the best and she has the kindest heart. You’re a good daughter, good granddaughter, good aunt – and you work too hard.”

Are your dating habits “kosher”? No

Dating horror story: I’d just broken up with someone from college and was out getting drinks with a friend. I was at the bar and asking her, “How do I get over this guy?” and she said, “Look to your left, that’s how you get over that guy.” He and I started talking. He heard me singing and said you have a good voice. We planned a date, and when he showed up at the door to pick me up, it was like the doors of heaven opened up. He was so gorgeous. We went on a few dates but it fizzled out, and a year or so later, I was watching TV and was like, “Holy crap, that’s him!” He was a contestant on “The Bachelorette.” No one was around for me to tell, but later on that night, I went out to the Feast of the Assumption and there was a TV at the bar. All the other girls were like, “There he is! There he is!” but I was like, “Been there, done that.”

Celebrity crush: Charlie Hunnam (from “Sons of Anarchy”); Ben Affleck was there, but ever since the divorce (from Jennifer Garner), he’s gone down and isn’t at the top anymore; and Jimmy Fallon

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? Anything by *NSYNC or Whitney Houston.

Favorite Jewish holiday (and why): Rosh Hashanah because it’s the beginning of a new year, starting over. It’s like a second new year; you get two chances.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … at the bar or on the dance floor.

Last trip to Israel: 2006

Bat mitzvah memory: I remember my grandma dancing with a tambourine to kind of get the party started.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: the caring community.

Connect: Find her on Facebook.

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Allison Brandonjstylesingleshirez-0583

23 | Pepper Pike

Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple

Dance instructor at Shaker Dance Academy in Beachwood; majoring in both dance and psychology at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland

Favorite place to grab dinner: Anatolia Café in Cleveland Heights

Favorite place to grab a drink: With a group of friends: the Big Bang in downtown Cleveland. With a date: La Cave du Vin in Cleveland Heights.

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who can make me laugh, for sure. Someone who’s smart, driven – and they have to be able to keep up with me, because I have a lot of energy.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: I don’t like guys who can’t carry a conversation.

Longest relationship: about a year

Are your dating habits “kosher”? Yes and no.

Dating horror story: I recently went on a date and the guy asked me whether I’ve ever been hospitalized. What?

Celebrity crush: Chris Pratt

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “Hold Each Other” by Great Big World featuring Futuristic, and “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift.

Hidden talent: I can do a little breakdancing.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Passover, because a) the food, and b) it’s the one time my family is all together – and we have the funniest seder ever.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … dancing.

Last trip to Israel: January 2015, and I’m going back at the end of December.

Bat mitzvah memory: Some of the guys from the Cavs Scream Team were at my bat mitzvah, and we did a dance.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: You know everyone but you’re always meeting someone new. It’s very welcoming.

Connect: I’m on Jswipe, and you can find me on Facebook – and you shouldn’t be afraid to approach me.

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Austin Rosenbergjstylesingleshirez-1037

28 | Lakewood

Partner at Rosenberg Advertising in Lakewood

Favorite place to grab dinner: Barrio in Lakewood

Favorite place to grab a drink: Market Garden Brewery in Ohio City

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who’s funny, adventurous and a Cleveland sports fan.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: Smoking, and if they don’t live an active lifestyle.

Longest relationship: nine months

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? Perfect. (laughing) She’d say I’m her little bar mitzvah boy.

Are your dating habits “kosher”? Preferably, but I wouldn’t say it’s a deal breaker.

Dating horror story: Nothing crazy, other than some times I think I’m just meeting up with someone but it ends up being a date instead. (laughing)

Celebrity crush: Natalie Portman

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak

Hidden talent: I grow a really good beard.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Probably Chanukah, just because it’s a time I meet up with all my family.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … holding up the chair.

Last time you were in Israel: About three years ago.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: Just the amount of Jews, and how many organizations and events that are always happening.

Connect: Tweet him at @mrraisinbagel

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Benjamin Bravermanjstylesingleshirez-0394

28 | Solon

Temple Emanu El

Operations manager at McMaster-Carr in Aurora

Favorite place to grab dinner: Fahrenheit in Tremont

Favorite place to grab a drink: Velvet Tango Room in Tremont

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who’s thoughtful, creative and warm

Turnoffs or deal breakers: I’m sure there are, but I don’t know.

Longest relationship: Two to three years.

Are your dating habits “kosher”? No

Dating horror story: I wish I had one, but I don’t think I do.

Celebrity crush: Diane Rehm

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “Chandelier” by Sia

Hidden talent: I’m a singer and pianist.

Favorite Jewish holiday: I’m a big fan of Passover. For one thing, I like matzah, but I used to have Passover at my rabbi’s house (B’nai Jeshurun Congregation’s Rabbi Stanley Schachter) growing up and it was always fantastic. He made it a real Jewish event that was thought-provoking and meaningful, and more than ritualistic behavior.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … dancing with a much older relative.

Last trip to Israel: 2006

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: I think it would be the philanthropic activism of the Jewish community in Cleveland because it’s important to invest in your community. We’re seeing the revitalization of Cleveland, and I think the Jewish community is playing a part in that, with both big and small investments.

Connect: Find him on Facebook.

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Elyse Frank jstylesingleshirez-0798

23 | Downtown Cleveland

Project manager for Rosetta in downtown Cleveland

Favorite place to grab dinner: My favorite restaurant in Cleveland is Taza (downtown Cleveland), but I also like any place on East Fourth Street.

Favorite place to grab a drink: Punch Bowl Social and The Big Bang in downtown Cleveland, and Nano Brew, TownHall Ohio City and Market Garden Brewery in Ohio City.

Qualities you’re looking for: I think humor is most important. I want someone who can make me laugh, and I want someone who’s a genuine person and who’s generous and kind. Being Jewish doesn’t hurt.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: Tattoos and people who are rude.

Are your dating habits “kosher”? I’d say it’s the cherry on top if it’s someone who’s Jewish.

Dating horror story: Yeah, but not that I want to put in a magazine! (laughing)

Celebrity crush: I’m a huge Cavs fan, so I really like Joe Harris and Matthew Dellavadova. (Elyse predicts a rematch between the Cavs and Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals, but that this year the Cavs will be triumphant.)

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “Hello” by Adele and “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift.

Hidden talent: I used to sing, so I enjoy singing, but right now I mainly just sing in the shower. (Also noteworthy: Elyse graduated with a 4.0 GPA from Cornell University, an Ivy League school.)

Favorite Jewish holiday: It’s a tie between Passover and Chanukah. I like the traditions and I like the food, and when I was younger, I liked the eight days of gifts (for Chanukah).

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … on the dance floor, of course. I like to be the life of the party.

Last trip to Israel: January 2014

Bat mitzvah memory: I always just joke that I was an overachiever in school. I went to school and got good grades, but when I went to Hebrew school, I needed extra help and tutoring. So, I turned all my prayers into songs, and that’s how I learned Hebrew.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: I love the community, and I love all the events they have going on. I think it’s a welcoming community; people are excited to be here, versus a place like New York, where people might get lost in the shuffle.

Connect: Find her on Facebook or Instagram.

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Ethan Cory Umanksyjstylesingleshirez-0925

31 | Beachwood

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation

Operations manager/director of catering design at Café 56

Favorite place to grab dinner: Johnny’s Bar (“Johnny’s on Fulton”) in Cleveland’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood

Favorite place to grab a drink: Nighttown in Cleveland Heights. I like their scotches.

Qualities you’re looking for: Intelligence, humor and family values.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: A lack of common of sense; I don’t have enough for both of us.

Longest relationship: Two-and-a-half years

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? As an “NJG” (Nice Jewish Guy).

Are your dating habits “kosher”? No, I don’t only date Jewish. There are too many people out there.

Dating horror story: One time, one of my favorite Frank Sinatra songs (“Fly Me To the Moon”) was playing in the car, and on a busy road (Cedar Road, near Legacy Village), I pulled over, turned on my brights, turned up the music, got out of the car and danced with the girl in front of the (car) lights – and then a cop came. He said, “You can’t be doing this.” I didn’t get cited, luckily.

Celebrity crush: Scarlett Johansson and Catherine Zeta-Jones

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by The Tokens

Hidden talent: I play the piano.

Favorite Jewish holiday: I like Rosh Hashanah because of the new year, I like Purim because of the drinking, and I like Yom Ha’atzmaut because of my love for Israel. For Rosh Hashanah, the most family comes in to town.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … dancing the hora.

Last trip to Israel: July 2010

Bar mitzvah memory: My seventh-grade crush couldn’t say no to me when I asked her to dance because it was my party. (laughing)

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: The sense of community.

Connect: Find him on Facebook.

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Josh Kramerjstylesingleshirez-0419

27 | Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood

Park Synagogue

Government relations consultant at LNE Group in Cleveland

Favorite place to grab dinner: Barrio in downtown Cleveland

Favorite place to grab a drink: Punch Bowl Social, because this place was great.

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who’s smart and fun.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: Someone who’s not Jewish

Longest relationship: less than one year.

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? “He’s a mensch with a sheina punim (nice face).”

Are your dating habits “kosher”? Glatt

Celebrity crush: Emmy Rossum

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables

Hidden talent: I’m a tremendous whistler.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Purim because it’s celebration of life and triumph over evil.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … tearing up the dance floor.

Last trip to Israel: July 2014

Bar mitzvah memory: That time all my out-of-town guests got kicked out of Tower City because a friend of mine stole candy from the Sweet Factory. It was some kind of gummy (candy).

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: What’s not to love?

Connect: Find him on Facebook or @JoshuaLKramer on Instagram.

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Cynthia Nadler Kaplanjstylesingleshirez-0981

58 (“29 twice”) | Solon

Advertising Account Executive and eBay entrepreneur

Favorite place to grab dinner and a drink: ML Tavern in Moreland Hills or any outdoor venue

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who is “R.I.C.H” (Refined, Intelligent, Charming and Handsome).

Turnoffs or deal breakers: Dishonesty, narcissism, a nebbish

Longest relationship: 18 years

Hidden talents: Avid photographer, mosaic artist and costume designer.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Purim. It’s the Jewish Mardi Gras.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … schmoozing.

Last trip to Israel: Back in the ’70s – it’s time to go again!

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: It’s a close-knit Jewish community.

Connect: Email her at ivvgotmail@aol.com.




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Kevin Mossjstylesingleshirez-1209

24 | Downtown Cleveland

Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple

Commercial real estate broker for CBRE in Cleveland

Favorite place to grab dinner: Jack’s Deli in University Heights (for breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Favorite place to grab a drink: The Fairmount in Cleveland Heights

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who can get along with my mom and who wants to be a part of the Moss family.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: Someone who’s high maintenance, who doesn’t want to spend time with my family or who doesn’t have a sense of humor.

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? Funny, he doesn’t shut up, and he’s just an overall great person.

Are your dating habits “kosher”? No

Celebrity crush: Bar Refaeli

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “Hello” by Adele

Hidden talent: I’m good at yoga.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Chanukah because of family things.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … by the bar.

Last trip to Israel: winter 2010

Bar mitzvah memory: Since I hate dancing, I made sure the DJ didn’t have any dancing whatsoever. And during my speech, I made my dad crack up while he was trying to give a serious speech.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: The connectedness. It’s a close-knit community. Everyone knows everyone, which is also my least favorite part. (laughing)

Connect: Find him at @kevinmoss216 on Instagram (or find him on Facebook or LinkedIn).

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Shaina Rood (LEFT)jstylesingleshirez-0372

30 | Chagrin Falls

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation

Post-baccalaureate pre-med student at Cleveland State University; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services employee for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Favorite place to grab dinner: L’Albatros Brasserie in University Circle

Favorite place to grab a drink: Jukebox in Ohio City (Hingetown)

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who makes me laugh. When we’re old and gray, we’re going to need some jokes when we’re changing each other diapers.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: Someone who is super-pretentious or takes life too seriously.

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? “A nice Jewish girl.” She’d probably pinch my cheeks.

Are your dating habits “kosher”? Yes.

Celebrity crush: Andy Samberg

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “A Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler

Hidden talent: I can play trumpet, piano, and I used to play violin – although don’t ask me to do any of that right now.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Rosh Hashanah because you don’t have to fast – and it’s like a happy, new-year holiday.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … on the dance floor.

Last trip to Israel: In 2007 was the last time. It’s been while; I need to get back.

Bat mitzvah memory: Mine was a cruise theme, and what I really liked about my bat mitzvah was that it was during a period in my life when all of my older relatives were alive, so it was nice to have a fun family weekend.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: I like the fact there’s a strong sense of community and also an emphasis on getting people to participate in Jewish life, especially at our age – and the fact that my rabbis and cantors have known me since I was little and still care about my life.

Connect: Find her on Facebook or @shainarood on Twitter and Instagram.

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Rachel Rood (RIGHT)jstylesingleshirez-0372

26 | Downtown Cleveland

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation

Associate Producer at ideastream in Cleveland

Favorite place to grab dinner: love sushi, sushi 86

Favorite place to grab a drink: The Corner Alley in downtown Cleveland. They have great drinks and I love to bowl. (Another favorite hangout: Tabletop Board Game Café in Ohio City.)

Qualities you’re looking for: Someone who makes me laugh. It’s kind of clichéd, but I find humor important in a mate. And let’s be honest: easy on eyes (laughing).

Turnoffs or deal breakers: I’m a fairly socially liberal person, so if he had opposing views on something I’m passionate about, it’d be difficult.

Longest relationship: One-and-a-half years.

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? My grandma used to dish me off on anyone new: waiters, strangers on the street, etc. She ‘d probably say, “Look at my darling little girl!” (laughing)

Are your dating habits “kosher”? Sure.

Celebrity crush: I’ve always had a thing for Daniel Radcliffe, but really, just Harry Potter.

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? I used to do a cappella, so there are many songs I like to sing. Maybe “Chandelier” by Sia because it’s fun and really high.

Hidden talent: I’m a one-man band. I sing, play guitar, and arrange music. I used to arrange music for my a cappella group in Washington, D.C., and I used to direct a singing group as well. I greatly enjoy music.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Rosh Hashanah, because of the apples and honey (laughing), and because it gives you a fresh start.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … on the dance floor. My family likes to party, and we’re definitely the ones with the dorkiest dance moves and there until our feet get tired.

Last time you were in Israel: 2010

Bat mitzvah memory: One of my friends gave me a love note during my bat mitzvah, and I was so afraid he would ask me to dance if there was a slow song that I asked the DJ not to play any slow songs. (Laughing.) But he turned out to be gay, so I shouldn’t have worried.

Connect: Tweet her at @rachelrood

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Rich Weisbergjstylesingleshirez-1142

48 | Twinsburg

Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple

Clinical psychologist and owner of Psychological Solutions in Lyndhurst

Favorite place to grab dinner:  fire food & drink in Shaker Square, Alley Cat Oyster Bar in downtown Cleveland, and all the Crop restaurants (Ohio City, University Circle and Flats East Bank)

Favorite place to grab a drink: Prosperity Social Club in Tremont and Luxe in Detroit-Shoreway and The Fairmount in Cleveland Heights

Qualities you’re looking for: I want a guy who’s warm, honest, kind, dependable, grounded and self-reflective, ambitious, a good communicator (that means listening as well as talking), sense of humor and optimistic

Turnoffs or deal breakers: A guy who is more focused on his phone than on our conversation, and a guy who disrespects wait staff.

Longest relationship: 28 years

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? Intelligent but humble, goal-oriented, patient, quick to laugh and slow to anger, compassionate, generous, loyal, dedicated, grateful, family-oriented – and a good catch.

Are your dating habits “kosher”? It would be ideal to be able to find a “nice Jewish guy” to marry someday. However, the reality is that religion is only one aspect of a healthy, compatible relationship. I have found that when you are with someone who is also Jewish there is a shared experience of being raised Jewish which provides a sense of “being known” and initial comfort that one does not experience at the beginning with a non-Jewish person. At the same time, you can have religion in common, but be incompatible in so many other core relational areas that the relationship is not viable.

Celebrity crush: Jake Gyllenhaal

What song do you belt out in the car when no one else is listening? “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey

 Hidden talent: My friends are surprised to learn that I am a psychologist who went to cooking school. One of my passions is cooking and baking. I earned a certificate in Culinary and Pastry Arts. I like to make French pastry and some of my favorites include Opera Cake or Petit Four glace during the holidays. Savory dishes I enjoy making include Osso Bucco or Moroccan Tagines. Cooking is my way of nurturing and giving back to others.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Passover. It was the main holiday when family, grandparents and cousins all got together.  Now, as an adult, it is still the same Passover story. So, when it is re-told, it brings back fond memories of an earlier time in my life. A close second is Chanukah as I always enjoyed the potato latkes and gold wrapped chocolate coins. I still get that sense of excitement when I smell the hot oil, half expecting my mother to lead my sisters and I into the other room to attack our big pile of presents.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … capturing candid smartphone memories for the couple and their guests. Once the event has ended, photos are a big part of what keeps your memories alive and reminds you of that day. That is a gift I like to give to people, and I often receive feedback about how it takes people back to that special day. Two of my friends had the first gay wedding at Fairmount Temple recently. I got the “shot” of the two grooms breaking the glass, and the photo was used in our temple newsletter. Aside from being a photographer, I engage in host behavior and love to connect people to one another – and to find out how people are related to each party.

Last trip to Israel: October 2014, when my mother took me for my birthday with my temple.

Bar mitzvah memory: When I was in Israel with my mother’s temple in 2011, I was bar mitzvahed by her rabbi at the Western Wall. It solidified my commitment to Judaism and my support of Israel. It was life changing. I am grateful to my mother for the experience. I will never forget it.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: I feel a great sense of community in Cleveland. Although there are many different synagogues and denominations of Judaism, there is a sense that first and foremost, we are all Jews. I feel this when I am going to an activity at the Mandel JCC, attending a film as part of the Jewish Film Festival, looking at an art exhibit at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, or walking through the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage.

Connect: Email him at ohiorich@msn.com

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Rotem Izraelyjstylesingleshirez-1476

32 | University Heights

Park Synagogue

Hebrew kindergarten teacher at Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School (formerly The Agnon School) in Beachwood

Favorite place to grab dinner: fire food & drink in Shaker Square

Favorite place to grab a drink: Bar Louie at Legacy Village in Lyndhurst and TownHall Ohio City in Ohio City

Qualities you’re looking for: Obviously, attraction, and I love people who make people laugh and have a good sense of humor and sharp mind. I’m looking for a guy who’s very respectful to himself and everyone around him. Also, it will be nice if the guy likes sports and to work out.

Turnoffs or deal breakers: If he isn’t independent, and if he smells bad (laughs).

Longest relationship: Two­and­a­half years

How would your bubbe describe you to a prospective mate? She thinks I’m a very beautiful, special person, and she will say that I have a good heart – but that I also have a twinkle, a special something that makes me a little bit different. That’s why I wrote a children’s book: “Alma’s Moonlight Walks” in Israel and dedicated it to my grandmother.

Are your dating habits “kosher”? I think it’ll be easier if it’s a Jewish guy. I can’t say with 100 percent certainty I’ll only date someone who’s Jewish, but it’ll be easier – and I want someone who can makes me feel “home.”

Celebrity crush: Adam Levine would be one of them, and in a way, Jimmy Fallon is kind of sexy – probably because of the sense of humor.

Hidden talent: I’m a writer. I write poems and short stories, and I have a pretty successful blog I’m writing. … Back in Israel, I used to be a weightlifter. I’m a CrossFit girl. … My brother is a famous basketball player in Israel (David Blatt was his coach for a while), and I used to be a basketball player and referee for about 10 years.

Favorite Jewish holiday: Rosh Hashanah because you feel like you can open again to a better year, like there’s a second chance to do things better, and I love Shavuot because it’s a beautiful holiday in Israel.

At a Jewish wedding, you’d find me … in the middle of the dance floor, definitely.

Last time you were in Israel: three months ago (Rotem lived in Israel until that time.)

Bat mitzvah memory: I did my bat mitzvah with another 12 children from my kibbutz. It was in the middle of the kibbutz, with green grass all around, and it was beautiful.

Favorite part of Jewish Cleveland: I love the fact that every Friday and every holiday, I get so many people who invite me to join them, and it feels so welcoming. I have a host family here, and they’ve become like my family. I like the familial relationships.

Connect: Find her on Facebook.

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