Age: 37
Hometown: Akron
Synagogue: Temple Israel in Akron
Work: Pediatric occupational therapist/certified hand therapist
About me: I radiate warmth, friendliness, and draw people to me. My values are strong in being empathetic toward others. I am silly, fun and I think I’m pretty funny. Most others also think I have a great sense of humor. I love a good meal and drink out, but also can appreciate binge-watching shows and a cozy glass of wine at home. My family and being a mom is everything to me. I hope I can find someone that shares similar values.
Favorite place for dinner: Mexican and margaritas
Favorite for a drink: Anywhere with wine, good cocktails and music. I am not picky.
Qualities I’m looking for in a partner: I am looking for someone that shares values in treating others kindly. Someone who can appreciate their relationships with family and friends. Willingness to spend quality time together while also being flexible when life becomes hectic. Handsome as well, #wink.
Turnoffs or deal breakers: Lack of chemistry or a natural flow in conversation – at least after the first awkward meetup.
Kosher or non-kosher dating habits: Not kosher
A dating horror story: I could write a book. Let’s get through a few dates before I fill you in.
Celebrity crush: Drake
Song I belt in the car: “Dreams” by Stevie Nicks
Favorite Jewish holiday: Chanukah. Matching Chanukah pajamas from Target, wine, potato latkes, family movie night and crazy kids.
At a Jewish wedding you’d find me… On the dance floor! Hopefully they have a good DJ.
Last trip to Israel: Unfortunately I never took an opportunity to go.
Favorite bat mitzvah memory: Bringing my mom’s non-Jewish family and my dad’s Jewish family to celebrate my hard work. Now as an adult, I can also look back and laugh at my mom in the middle of the dance floor with my friends.
To connect with me, the best way is… Email at jaimebass3@gmail.com

Photography: Casey Rearick / Casey Rearick Photo
Fashion: Jessica Simon
Hair and Makeup: Ramona Dauksa Studio